It took 50 Years For This Couple To Finally Get Married After Being Kept Apart

First Date… Part Two!

One day, they decided to act on their feelings and finally meet up. Wilson invited Rude to the Bay Area for a date at a favorite place of his in San Francisco. She accepted the invitation and met up with her long lost love. They were able to catch up in a relaxing environment. They were both so nervous! It had been nearly 50 years. Things were so different…


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The More You Know

  • A U.S. park ranger named Roy C. Sullivan held the record for being struck by lightning the most times, having been struck — and surviving — seven times between 1942 and 1977.
  • “Digging a hole to China” is theoretically possible if you start in Argentina.
  • The fastest gust of wind ever recorded on Earth was 253 miles per hour.
  • A Scarlet Macaw can live up to 80 years.
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