Ignore What the Critics Say, You Should Watch These Underrated Movies

Horns (2013)

Daniel Radcliffe delivers the best performance of his career in this film (yeah, this is standing against Harry Potter and Swiss Army Man). Plagued by the death of his girlfriend, and having being blamed for her murder, Daniel Radcliffe’s character, Ig Perrish, starts to go off the deep end with excessive drinking, and eventually, he grows horns. The movie isn’t really about his horns though, they’re more of a metaphor for being in the public eye in a negative context. You should really give this movie a shot, it’s incredibly unique. 


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The More You Know

  • There's a "floating rainforest" in the sea.
  • Almost all chickens eaten today come from the winner of the 1948 'Chicken of Tomorrow' Contest whose genetics now dominate poultry farms worldwide.
  • Earth is not as round as you thought.
  • There is a museum of bad art.
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