Iconic Music Videos That Defined The Past Few Decades

“Closer” by Nine Inch Nails (1994)

This NIN video was so explicit that it had be censored for television. Several scenes were blocked by a black screen that simply read, “Scene Missing.” It takes place in… basically the equivalent of a terrifying Victorian-era BDSM psychiatrist’s office? Sort of? Either way, Trent Reznor is blindfolded, gagged, handcuffed, and surrounded on all sides by dismembered animals. Who can forget the spinning pig’s head?


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The More You Know

  • In 2016, Mozart sold more albums than Beyoncé.
  • Mick Jagger is a skilled ballet dancer, and he has been taking lessons for years.
  • None of the Beatles could read or write sheet music.
  • Dave Grohl was so intimidated by Kurt Cobain that he hid a lot of the music he made while on tour with Nirvana. After Cobain's death, the tucked away music would become Foo Fighters' first album.
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