Hollywood’s Most Iconic & Beloved Animal Stars

The Direwolves

In the mega-hit “Game of Thrones,” each of the Stark children adopt a direwolf when the pups mother was killed. While they look like wolves, they were actually a group of specially-trained Northern Inuit Dogs, a crossbred relative of the Siberian Husky. Sansa Stark’s direwolf, Lady, was adopted by the actress after filming when they found out she had no home.


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The More You Know

  • Mattel once tried to sue Aqua over their song "Barbie Girl". The judge literally told them to "chill".
  • Tree seeds were taken into orbit and planted as "Moon Trees."
  • 27,000 tress are cut down every day to become toilet paper.
  • The world's largest Barbie collection includes more than 15,000 dolls.
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