Hollywood's Most Iconic and Controversial Movie Costumes

Claire in Jurassic World 

Bryce Dallas Howard wore heels throughout the entire movie... even as she ran away from killer dinosaurs. Howard and the filmmakers claimed that this was a concious choice because her character would have done the same in reality. A lot of fans claimed that it just felt off. 


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The More You Know

  • The wolf's jaw can exert 1500 pounds of pressure per square inch, twice the jaw pressure of a German Shepherd. Wolves can crush large bones in just a few bites.
  • People don’t sneeze in their sleep due to their brain shutting down the reflex.
  • Clark Kent (Superman in DC Comics) is also a character in the Marvel universe, where he's actually just a mild-mannered reporter and nothing more.
  • Lightning can heat the air it passes through to 50,000 degrees.
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