Hollywood's Most Iconic and Controversial Movie Costumes

Captain America in The Avengers 

The Avengers introduced some changes to Captain America's costume. The colors were way brighter and the mask was part of the costume instead of a separate piece. A lot of fans felt like that made the costume cheesy and cheap-looking. The designers wanted to go more "traditional" but it didn't really work. Fans were not pleased, but are they ever?


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The More You Know

  • The Netherlands has the tallest population.
  • When a piece of bread is toasted, it's called the "Maillard reaction."
  • War pigs were used in ancient warfare to counter against war elephants, which feared the pigs (and their squeals) and would bolt. War pigs were sometimes lit on fire to enhance this effect.
  • A relative of the T. rex stood just 3-feet tall.
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