Hollywood Actors That Don't Get Cast Anymore

Vanessa Williams

Vanessa Williams, the former Miss America 1983, was ostracized for the discovery of some nude photos that had been taken several years before, consensually. Williams was stripped of her title and cast from the entertainment sphere. Years later, she released a song that brought her back into the spotlight, but she was never returned her rightful title of Miss America.


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The More You Know

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger practiced with guns every day for a month to prepare for The Terminator.
  • Shooting for No Country For Old Men was interrupted for a day due to a smoke cloud from the set of There Will Be Blood, which was also filming in the area.
  • While filming ‘The Machinist,’ Christian Bale only ate an apple and a can of tuna each day. His goal was to weigh 100 pounds before producers stopped him.
  • There’s a 20 year age gap between Sam Neill and Laura Dern in Jurassic Park, with Laura aged only 26 during filming.
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