Hidden Movie Secrets You Need to Hit Pause To Find


Hercules has a pretty impressive villain in its own film, but that doesn't mean other bad guys are gone for good. In the animated film, there is a moment in which the hero dons a headdress of a lion. Look a little closer and you might realize that this isn't just any lion, it's Scar from The Lion King!


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The More You Know

  • Often derided as a mega-flop, Waterworld actually took home nearly $90m more in worldwide box office than its estimated budget.
  • Tom Hanks helped pay for ‘Forrest Gump’
  • Hugh Jackman went without water for 36 hours before filming the opening scene of 'Les Miserables.'
  • Executive producer of Toy Story and Chief Pixar shareholder Steve Jobs picked Bob Dylan as his first choice to write and perform the soundtrack to the film over Randy Newman.
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