The Unexpected Reality Behind Hollywood's Steamiest Scenes

Keira Knightley, "Atonement"

Keira Knightley's famous green dress in "Atonement" had several backups because it kept ripping during that famous library scene. "I probably broke them all," Knightley said. "You can't have a sex scene in a dress like that! It was all laser-cut in the front, so literally, if you touched it [it ripped]. They had so many [backups], and the tops had to keep being resewn and redone."


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The More You Know

  • A famous ‘Pulp Fiction’ shot was filmed in reverse
  • In the first draft of the Back to the Future screenplay, the time machine wasn't a Delorean, it was a refrigerator.
  • Alred Hitchcock’s Psycho was the first American film to show a toilet flushing.
  • While filming ‘The Machinist,’ Christian Bale only ate an apple and a can of tuna each day. His goal was to weigh 100 pounds before producers stopped him.
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