Grandson Finds Priceless Secrets Buried Under Grandmother's Home

The Junk Room

Then... it was time for the junk room. Toddrick was dreading tackling this room. He had no idea what would be in there, all he knew was that his grandparents stashed away tons of things in this room for "later." This was going to be a doozy. 


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The More You Know

  • Almost all chickens eaten today come from the winner of the 1948 'Chicken of Tomorrow' Contest whose genetics now dominate poultry farms worldwide.
  • Tarantula bites are about as painful as bee stings.
  • A solar powered, self-filling water bottle has been invented for bike riders that condenses atmospheric moisture to automatically fill the bottle.
  • Great white sharks are so scared of killer whales that they'll avoid an area for up to a year after spotting one.
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