Game Changing Life Hacks That Actually Work

Razor Saver

Save yourself a few bucks a month on razors by doing this to keep the blade covered to avoid rusting.


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The More You Know

  • To make it easy to stow and reuse plastic bags, make a dispenser from a discarded 2-liter soda bottle. Cut off the top and bottom with a razor knife. Then screw the dispenser to a cabinet door or closet wall (or attach with hook-and-loop tape).
  • Next time you open a bottle of wine, save the cork! You can use a slice of synthetic cork to brace a wobbly table leg. Just mark the amount of cork needed, slice it off with a utility knife and glue it in place.
  • If your toilet bowl could use a cleaning but you're out of traditional cleaner, use mouthwash instead.
  • If you have greasy fingerprints on your doorframes or walls, there's a simple fix. Just rub a piece of chalk gently over them, let it sit for 10 minutes, and the chalk will absorb the oil, allowing it to easily wipe away.
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