Find Out Which Famous Film Was Shot in Your State

Raising Arizona (1987)

This Coen brothers classic was reviled by Herb Drinkwater, the mayor of Scottsdale from 1980 until 1996, who proclaimed that the film had "no redeeming social value" and that it "certainly isn't the image Arizona wants to project." A fun fact: Matthew McConaughey claimed that Raising Arizona is the movie he's watched the most times in his life.


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The More You Know

  • Bela Lugosi was buried in full Dracula costume—cape and all.
  • Inspiration for the Hulk came from Frankenstein’s monster.
  • Walt Disney refused to allow Alfred Hitchcock to film at Disneyland in the early 1960s because he had made “that disgusting movie Psycho.”
  • In every scene of Fight Club, there is a Starbucks coffee cup.
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