Father of Murdered Daughter Puts up Billboards Around Town Naming Her Killer


Fulton put up three billboards soon after his daughter’s murder, which called out the Vidor police department who let Kathy’s killer go free. “Vidor P.D. does not want to solve this case,” reads a billboard that still sits alongside the highway. “The Attorney General should investigate.” Soon afterward, new testimonies surfaced, confirming the Fultons’ suspicions…


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The More You Know

  • A relative of the T. rex stood just 3-feet tall.
  • 27,000 tress are cut down every day to become toilet paper.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Marilyn Munroe was nowhere near a 'plus' size 12 - 16, she was closer to a US size 0.
  • The first roller coaster was invented to stop sinful behavior.
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