Famous Movies That Have Been Banned All Over the World

Viva La Revolución!

The country of Burma banned the distribution of The Simpsons Movie nationwide. Evidently, the primarily yellow and red color scheme was the chosen colors of a local rebel militia. By the way, The Simpsons Movie 2 was just announced, and it's likely that this one isn't going to get banned there, so what gives?


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The More You Know

  • Pixar’s, UP was the first ever animated film and 3D film to open the Cannes Film Festival.
  • The names of the taxi driver and the policeman in everybody’s favourite Yuletide outing, It’s A Wonderful Life, are Bert and Ernie. The writers working on Sesame Street at the time claim it’s merely a coincidence.
  • The skeletons in "Poltergeist" are not props. They are real human skeletons.
  • Only three films have won “The Big Five” Oscars
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