Famous Movies That Have Been Banned All Over the World

The Great Dictator

It should not come as a surprise based on the time period of this movie's release that it wasn't received well in Germany. Charlie Chaplin wrote, directed, and starred in The Great Dictator to provide satyrical education about the dangers of fascism. Naturally, the movie was banned in Germany, and it was banned in many Latin American countries that were occupied by Nazi sympathizers after the war had ended. 


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The More You Know

  • Pixar’s, UP was the first ever animated film and 3D film to open the Cannes Film Festival.
  • George Clooney had a keg of Guinness installed in his dressing room whilst filming Ocean's Eleven.
  • The Dark Knight made more money in its first six days in the US than Batman Begins made in its entire domestic run.
  • Brad Pitt injured his Achilles heel while playing Achilles.
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