Famous Movies That Have Been Banned All Over the World

Hail Mary

Can you believe that people were prude enough to ban this film in 1985? Hail Mary is a modern take on the story of Mary, Jesus' mother. In this film, Mary is demonized for getting pregnant despite not being with anyone. Society around her collapses as people she knew and trusted the most reveal that they do not believe her and are willing to cast her from their lives because of their ethical quandary. 


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The More You Know

  • The skeletons in "Poltergeist" are not props. They are real human skeletons.
  • Executive producer of Toy Story and Chief Pixar shareholder Steve Jobs picked Bob Dylan as his first choice to write and perform the soundtrack to the film over Randy Newman.
  • Peter Ostrum, Charlie from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, never acted in another movie after that and is now a veterinarian.
  • In the movie 'The Hangover', no effects or prosthetics were created for Stu's missing tooth. Actor Ed Helms never had an adult incisor grow, and his fake incisor was taken out for the parts of filming where Stu's tooth is missing.
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