Famous Movies That Have Been Banned All Over the World

The Passion of Brian

For those who don't know, Brian was born in Bethlehem on Christmas day in a stable right next door to Jesus Christ. He goes through his entire life being mistaken for Jesus in an extremely nuanced way that was lightyears ahead of its time for 1979. The Life of Brian got banned in Norway, but they ended up using that in their favor by promoting the movie with posters that said: "So funny, it was banned in Norway!"


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The More You Know

  • While filming Rocky IV, Dolph Lundgren punched Sylvester Stallone's chest so hard, his heart slammed against his breastbone, causing it to swell and his systolic blood pressure shot to over 200. Filming was halted as Stallone was flown to a nearby hospital and spent eight days in intensive care.
  • The filming of 'The Godfather' was disrupted by an actual Mafia member, Joe Colombo. Producer Al Ruddy met with him and reviewed the script, striking the word "Mafia" completely from the movie. Colombo and his pals also managed to elbow their way into casting and ended up as extras in the film.
  • Despite pulling in over $240m My Big Fat Greek Wedding never once topped the US box office chart.
  • Executive producer of Toy Story and Chief Pixar shareholder Steve Jobs picked Bob Dylan as his first choice to write and perform the soundtrack to the film over Randy Newman.
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