Famous Movies That Have Been Banned All Over the World

Battle Royale

You probably didn't know this, but it's widely assumed that this movie inspired The Hunger Games. Much like how The Hunger Games introduces its premise, Battle Royale selects several young individuals from a Japanese grade school and isolates them on a remote island. The students are then forced to murder one another until only one remains. 


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The More You Know

  • While shooting 'Batman Begins' (2005) in Chicago, a drunk driver panicked and crashed into the Batmobile because he thought it was an invading alien.spacecraft
  • For Dr. Strangelove, Peter Sellers was paid $1 million, 55 percent of the film’s budget.
  • Nestlé supplied 1,850 bars of real chocolate for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
  • Paranormal Activity cost $15000 to make and has grossed $210 million so far.
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