Eating Dominoes Pizza Every Day Saved This Man's Life

Pizza Hand-Off

The door opened up to a large, bearded man who was blocking a woman from the door with his body. “I gave him his pizza, and noticed behind him was his girlfriend” recalled Joey. However, things were about to go from bad to worse. The woman moved to the back of the room while the man searched for his wallet. Joey glanced up just in time to see something vitally important…


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The More You Know

  • The designer of the current United States flag was 17 at the time, and created it for a high school project. He received a B-.
  • In 2009, Burger King launched a campaign that if you unfriended 10 friends on Facebook, you were entitled to a free Whopper. The person you unfriended would get a message telling them that their friendship is worth less than a Whopper.
  • The toilet is statistically the cleanest place in your home. Your desk, kitchen sink, and cellphone all have more bacteria.
  • St. Lucia is the only country that is named after a woman.
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