Drone Expert Uncovers Wild Mystery At Local Lake

It Got Bigger?

Prior to getting back to the lake, Evan reviewed the small amount of footage that he did get during that failed trip. If he could see it correctly, it truly looked like the hole was much bigger than he remembered. Since the footage was so glitchy, it was extremely hard to tell. It just fueled his curiosity even more!


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The More You Know

  • When Boris Yeltsin met President Clinton in 1995, his first question was "Do you think O.J. did it?"
  • Martin Luther King Jr. had a C in public speaking.
  • It costs the U.S. Mint almost twice as much to mint each penny and nickel as the coins are actually worth. Taxpayers lost over $100 million in 2013 just through the coins being made.
  • The richest superhero is actually Black Panther, who has an estimated of $500 billion, whereas Tony Stark is worth $100 billion and Bruce Wayne $80 billion.
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