What Famous TV Commercial Actors Get Paid

The Sonic Guy (on the Left)

T.J. Jagodowski is an accomplished Chicago actor that graduated from Syracuse University. He is an improv comedian, and Sonic picked up on that when they saw his entry tape for his application. T.J. got to drag one of his improv buddies along (Pete Grosz) and thus, the legendary Sonic guys were born. 


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The More You Know

  • In 1992, the Looney Tunes masterpiece "What's Opera Doc?" featuring Richard Wagner's The Ring cycle, was added to the Library of Congress's National Film Registry
  • The original pilot for Game of Thrones was judged to be so bad by the studio that the series was nearly cancelled.
  • Cable TV has existed since 1948
  • Game of Thrones, Band of Brothers, and The Pacific are among the most expensive television series ever made. An average episode of The Pacific cost $20 million to produce.
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