Did You Know These Behind-The-Scenes Facts About "Cast Away"?

Hanks' Oscar Acceptance Speech Inspired Another Film

In his acceptance speech, Hanks thanked his high school drama teacher, Rawley Farnsworth, and classmate John Gilkerson, and cited them as "the two finest gay Americans, two  wonderful men, that I had the good fortune to be associated with." However, he inadvertently outed his teacher, which prompted the making of the comedy, "In & Out," which follows one high school teacher's struggle with a public outing and a useless refutal. 


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The More You Know

  • Mount Rushmore cost less than $1 million.
  • The people who are currently alive are only 7% of the total number of people who have ever lived.
  • Water makes different pouring sounds depending on its temperature.
  • A reindeer's eyes can change colors with the seasons.
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