Did You Know These Behind-The-Scenes Facts About "Cast Away"?

The Ping Pong Balls Were CGI

Though the most obvious use of CGI in the film is Lt. Dan's missing legs, or when Forrest is seen standing next to President Kennedy and John Lennon, the classic ping pong scene was also staged. When Forrest is playing a match in China, there are no ping pong balls in the scene. During filming, Hanks and his partner swung their paddles according to clicking noises, and the ball was added in post-production.


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The More You Know

  • The chance of a coin landing heads-up is not 50-50
  • Crayola is literally "oily chalk."
  • The horse on the Wyoming license plate is named Steamboat.
  • Mark Zuckerberg said a voting mechanism that says whether posts are good or bad is 'not something that we think is good for the world'.
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