Cringeworthy Family Photos That You Can't Unsee

A Loving Family

Family is the closest bond, and with that, comes some terribly timed moments. "This is a photo of my parents and I. The camera went off before we were ready and it just captured the loving moment perfectly," says the commenter "So we bought the wallet-size." This is an honest moment that perfectly captures what a real family moment is like behind the scenes...


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The More You Know

  • Peanuts can be used to make dynamite.
  • 78% of NFL players undergo financial crisis by 2 years of retirement.
  • Saint Patrick's Day began as a "feast day". To honor him, Christians could put aside their Lenten restrictions on food and alcohol consumption, which is why excessive drinking has become linked to the celebration.
  • There's only one country in the world that doesn't use the metric system.
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