Crazy Little-Known Facts about "The Godfather" Franchise

The Most Violent Scene

Sonny's death is easily the most violent scene in the film. He was ambushed, trapped, and shot in a scene that's been recreated thousands of times. To make this scene as immersive as possible, actor James Caan had to wear over 100 explosive charges all over his body. Then, when the time came, the film crew had to detonate the mini explosives to make it look like he was being shot. 


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The More You Know

  • You can major in wine at Cornell University.
  • Jellyfish can sting even when they're dead.
  • In 1966 and 1967, soldiers testing Agent Orange in Canada were told the chemical was completely safe and sprayed it on each other to cool off.
  • Donkeys and dolphins are sometimes used as guard animals.
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