Common Foods You Should Never Keep in Your Fridge


It’s the prime time for avocados, so don’t lose out on any of the deliciousness. They need a cool, dry place, but the fridge is too cool. Use the fridge to slow the ripening process.


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The More You Know

  • To keep your pot from boiling over, put a wooden spoon over the top of it. If it starts to boil up too high, the spoon will pop the bubbles and keep it from overflowing quickly.
  • Instead of hanging unsightly fly paper, take a cup, fill it with an inch of red wine vinegar, seal the top with plastic wrap, and poke a few small holes in it with a pen. The flies will be attracted to the scent of the vinegar, but won't be able to get out.
  • While using a clothes iron to straighten hair is an old trick, using a hair straightener on collars and that space between buttons also works
  • For easy cleanup, use a quick spritz of cooking spray on your cheese grater to keep the cheese from sticking.
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