There is No Way You've Seen These Extremely Rare Historical Photos Before

The Valkyrie Prototype 

This is a picture of the top-secret 6-engine Valkyrie prototype plane that was developed in 1969 during the peak of the cold war. This was the first high-speed jet that was designed to carry nuclear weapons, and it was never deployed, according to government statements. 


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The More You Know

  • The Puritans Didn't Come to the New World for 'Religious Freedom'
  • The Germans and British soldiers paused the war for a day during Christmas Day 1914. They sang, drank and celebrated together. They even had a match of football.
  • Before alarm clocks became the norm, there were people called knocker-uppers who would literally knock on people’s window to wake them up in time for work.
  • Charlie Chaplin enrolled in a Charlie Chaplin lookalike competition and he came 20th in rank.
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