There is No Way You've Seen These Extremely Rare Historical Photos Before

Some individuals will never know these little intricacies that have been lost to the past. However, it is our duty as modern citizens to acknowledge these missing moments and educate others. Here is a list of some extremely special moments from history that have rarely been seen, and even less frequently talked about...

Queenie the Waterskiing Elephant

Queenie was an African elephant who used to be forced to wear waterskis and get pulled out into flat water. She died of stress just 3 years into her career as a waterskier, but her custom skis inspired an entire era of dingy engineering. 


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The More You Know

  • The Olympics Used to Award Medals for Art.
  • Ketchup was known to treat diarrhea and was used as medicine. Even made into pills.
  • In ancient Egypt, servants were smeared with honey in order to attract flies away from the pharaoh.
  • Vikings discovered America first, long before Columbus did,
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