The Unconventional Parenting Styles of A-List Celebrities

Not Handing Them Everything They Want

"I like to withhold things from my children," Parker said. "Things they want, I think they should yearn for, and in some cases, as my son gets older, I think he should earn. I think it’s good to pine for something so that when you get it, it has such meaning. You aren’t casual about the possession."


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The More You Know

  • You make approximately a teaspoon of tears per hour.
  • After Hitler ordered the deportation of Denmark's Jewish population, Danish citizens organized a massive evacuation of the Jews to neutral Sweden, despite the risks. In the end, 99% of Danish Jews survived the Holocaust.
  • Pizza only became popular in the United States after American troops occupying Italy during World War 2 became hooked on it and then popularized it back home.
  • George Lazenby wasn't an actual actor. He got himself a suit, a Rolex and a new haircut, then met with the producer and made up movies he had been in. He later landed the role of James Bond.
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