Celebrity Couples Who Didn't Let an Age Gap Stand In Their Way

Felicity Huffman and William H. Macy, 12 Years

The Desperate Housewives actress dated the Shameless actor off and on for 15 years until marrying in 1997. Macy was 47, Huffman was 35. "I was so scared of marriage that I thought I would've preferred to step in front of a bus," Huffman said. 


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The More You Know

  • Martha Stewart started out as a fashion model.
  • Soon after moving to New York City, Madonna worked at a Dunkin' Donuts. She was fired after one week for messing with the jelly machine.
  • Jennifer Aniston was known as the class clown in high school.
  • Denzel Washington's finger falls out of place from time to time.
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