Celebrity Couples Who Didn't Let an Age Gap Stand In Their Way

Two Traditional Weddings

Once the two announced their engagement, they made plans for two traditional wedding ceremonies. Both wanted to honor Chopra's Indian heritage, so one celebration was held in India, and one was held in the United States. Both were equally as beautiful and romantic.


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The More You Know

  • Dr. Ruth Westheimer is best known as a TV sex therapist—but she’s also a trained sniper.
  • Daniel Radcliffe broke over 80 wands while filming the Harry Potter movies because he used them as drumsticks!
  • Soon after moving to New York City, Madonna worked at a Dunkin' Donuts. She was fired after one week for messing with the jelly machine.
  • Actor Joaquin Phoenix was born in a cult, which might help explain why his siblings were named River, Rain, Liberty, and Summer. Their parents were members of Children of God group, which was founded in the 1960s.
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