Celebrities With Surprising Body Features That They Never Talk About

Moffy Gathorne-Hardy

Moffy Gathorne-Hardy is a supermodel who has worked with the likes of Kate Moss and Cara Delivigne. Moffy suffers from something called strabismus, which might be better known as being cross-eyed. She doesn't let it keep her down though. She once said, "I think that the term ‘strabismus’ is too scientific and makes it sound as if I have a condition that affects other aspects of my life."


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The More You Know

  • Lady Gaga wrote “Just Dance” and “Born This Way” in just 10 minutes.
  • Tyra Banks suffers from delphiniphobia (aka a fear of dolphins).
  • Kanye West used to work at the Gap.
  • Matthew Broderick was convicted of careless driving in a car accident in which two people died.
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