Celebrities With Surprising Body Features That They Never Talk About

Gemma Arterton

This Bond girl is known for her good look and acting chops, but she's also an actress with an extra finger. The actress was born with an extra finger on each of her hands. Thankfully, doctors were able to figure out how to remove them safely, but if you look closely at her hands, you can see a small bump where an extra appendage once was...


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The More You Know

  • Ashton Kutcher's real first name is Christopher.
  • Daniel Radcliffe broke over 80 wands while filming the Harry Potter movies because he used them as drumsticks!
  • Lady Gaga taught herself to play the piano at only four years old!
  • Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has his own motivational alarm clock app, which fans can download. It has no snooze button.
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