Hollywood's Biggest Stars And The Guards Who Protect Them

Jennifer Lopez

J-Lo is known for her entourage of bodyguards. She consistently makes headlines with her "team" of three bodyguards and 2 handlers (what's the difference?) Honestly, it's not totally unreasonable! You don't know what whackos are in the crowd... Especially after her horrifying stalker who lived in her pool house incident.


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The More You Know

  • Before becoming a movie star, Harrison Ford was a master carpenter – a craft he still does as a hobby.
  • Lady Gaga wrote “Just Dance” and “Born This Way” in just 10 minutes.
  • Lady Gaga spent $50,000 to find out if a ghost named Ryan was haunting her.
  • Growing up, Eva Mendes wanted to be a nun, but she changed her mind when she found out they didn't make any money.
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