Hollywood's Biggest Stars And The Guards Who Protect Them

Kendall Jenner has had an awful time with stalkers. She's gotten one deported, one in jail, another with a restraining order... The list goes on. Recently, she had a 23-year-old man scale the wall of her home. He was arrested, taken to jail briefly, and released. 


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The More You Know

  • Before Taylor Lautner was a vampire, he was a junior world karate champion for several years running.
  • Actor Joaquin Phoenix was born in a cult, which might help explain why his siblings were named River, Rain, Liberty, and Summer. Their parents were members of Children of God group, which was founded in the 1960s.
  • Dr. Ruth Westheimer is best known as a TV sex therapist—but she’s also a trained sniper.
  • Matthew Broderick was convicted of careless driving in a car accident in which two people died.
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