Celebrities Who Got Rich and Then Lost It All

Mike Tyson

At one point, Mike Tyson was worth over $400 million, but in 2003, it was recorded that he was $23 million in debt. Tyson declared bankruptcy, went to jail, and entered a rehab program before he was able to return to financial stability. Right now, Tyson is relatively financially stable. He just started his own cannabis company, and he plans on expanding that company to a cannabis-themed resort when the pandemic ends. 


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The More You Know

  • Shakira was banned from her school’s choir, and her classmates said she sounded like a goat.
  • Denzel Washington's finger falls out of place from time to time.
  • Cameron Diaz broke her nose in a surfing accident in Hawaii on her birthday in 2003.
  • As a child, Johnny Depp was allergic to chocolate.
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