Celebrities Who Are Totally Different Off-Screen

Table Service

One fan recalled other servers who helped the star when he dined at a hotel restaurant. "DJ Khaled stayed at a hotel I was working at," said the fan, "He went to one of the restaurants in the hotel and I was told by one of the servers who served him that he was a huge d*** and complained about everything."


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The More You Know

  • Before she was a megastar, Madonna worked at Dunkin Donuts. She got fired for squirting jelly on a customer.
  • Ashton Kutcher, who has always been a hit with the ladies, has webbed toes, and has revealed them on TV.
  • Jennifer Aniston was known as the class clown in high school.
  • Robert Downey Jr. claims that Burger King saved his life from his drug addiction.
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