Celebrities Who Are Actually Insufferable Behind the Scenes

Zooey Deschanel

Doe-eyed Zooey Deschanel is known for her portrayal of Jess Day on the long-running series New Girl—but now Hollywood won't touch the actress with a ten-foot pole. Deschanel may seem bright and bubbly, but fans and extras have reported some less-than-likable behavior.


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The More You Know

  • Jennifer Aniston was known as the class clown in high school.
  • Jonah Hill had to go to the hospital for bronchitis while filming Wolf of Wall Street. For seven months, he was snorting vitamin D (almost) daily, pretending it was cocaine.
  • Jon Bon Jovi's birth name is John Bongiovi Jr.
  • Tyra Banks suffers from delphiniphobia (aka a fear of dolphins).
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