Celebrities Who Are Actually Insufferable Behind the Scenes

Gordon Ramsay

It may not come as much of a surprise that Gordon Ramsay likes to berate people off-screen, too. His foul-mouthed persona isn't as much of an act as one might believe. The former assistant manager at Ramsay's London-based restaurant Maze explained that she once heard Ramsay chew out his assistant over the phone over chairs that had been ordered for a Christmas Eve dinner. "They're so terrible I wouldn’t throw them on a... bonfire!" he screamed.


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The More You Know

  • Steve Jobs became a vegan because he believed it would stop him having body odor, reducing his need to shower.
  • Ashton Kutcher, who has always been a hit with the ladies, has webbed toes, and has revealed them on TV.
  • Denzel Washington's finger falls out of place from time to time.
  • Miley Cyrus first tried out for Hannah Montana at the age of 11. She was denied due to her age.
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