Celebrities Who Are Actually Insufferable Behind the Scenes

No Love for Her Fans

One day, while she was on set for filming, Winslet's fans eagerly awaited her arrival outside. It was rainy and cold, but they didn't care as long as they caught a glimpse of the actress. Finally, hours after they showed up, Winslet got out of her car to enter the secluded filming area without so much as glancing in their direction. What a letdown!


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The More You Know

  • Jamie Lee Curtis is Jake Gyllenhaal's godmother, and Jake is Heath Ledger's daughter's godfather.
  • Daniel Radcliffe broke over 80 wands while filming the Harry Potter movies because he used them as drumsticks!
  • Denzel Washington's finger falls out of place from time to time.
  • Kate Bosworth has two different-colored eyes.
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