Celebrities That Served In the Military Before Hollywood Fame

Don Rickles

The insult comedian probably got some of his rough exterior and classic burns from his many years serving in the US Navy during the years of World War II. The actor and comedian served as a motor torpedo boat tender on the USS Cyrene.  He ranked as a seaman first class. He was honorably discharged in 1946 which led to his successful standup career.


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The More You Know

  • Your dog knows when someone isn't trustworthy.
  • The wolf's jaw can exert 1500 pounds of pressure per square inch, twice the jaw pressure of a German Shepherd. Wolves can crush large bones in just a few bites.
  • Tennis was originally played with bare hands.
  • For 67 consecutive years, Mary was America's most popular female baby name. Linda broke the streak in 1947.
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