How a Famous NBA Player and Aspiring Model Became the Targets of a Sadistic Catfish

The Allegations Were Spreading

Birdman went and turned on the TV only to see his face all over the media. Apparently, he was being investigated for child molestation. That was a heavy term to hear in association with his name. Birdman had absolutely how he had been pinned at the center of a scandal like this...


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The More You Know

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  • Enzo Ferrari told a man "you may be able to drive a tractor but you will never be able to handle a Ferrari properly." The man was so angry that he vowed to create the perfect car. His name was Ferruccio Lamborghini.
  • Hippos have the largest mouths of any animal on land.
  • The voices of Mickey and Minnie Mouse got married in real life.
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