After spending upwards of $45,000 of campaign funds on personal expenditures, Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter has announced that he's going to resign after the holidays, following a guilty plea to federal corruption charges. Hunter misused over $200,000 in campaign funds. The most ridiculous expense, however, is the $625 he spent on flights for a pet rabbit.
The House Ethics Committee reported that records were found for expenses he had previously denied—such as video games, an Italian vacation, and groceries. An anonymous staffer also informed investigators "that at some point after she no longer worked in the congressional office, Rep. Hunter kept a rabbit named Cadbury in his congressional office" that "had a cage in the congressional office."
"Rep. Hunter and his wife repeatedly used campaign committee funds for flight costs with no clear campaign nexus, including the cost of flying a pet rabbit," the report states, adding that "in 2014 and 2015, Rep. Hunter's campaign committee spent $625.00 on five separate $125.00 'pet in cabin' United Airlines charges to fly a pet rabbit."
Duncan Hunter and his wife Margaret were indicted last August for dipping into campaign funds to pay for personal expenses. Although he stepped down from his congressional committee assignments, Hunter later won reelection after running an anti-Muslim campaign against his Democratic opponent. Margaret Hunter pleaded guilty to conspiring with her husband for "knowingly and willingly" repurposing campaign funds for their own personal use.