Bumper Stickers That Range From Hilarious To Downright Creepy

A bumper sticker is pretty much yelling your opinion at unknowing victims. Other times, they’re telling unfunny and usually gross jokes to, once again, unknowing victims. These are some of the weirdest…

Definitely a Fun Person To Be Around

In other words, this just means that their opinions are ‘edgy’ and not well-liked. They spew their unwanted opinion, therefore, they’re single.


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The More You Know

  • Canada eats more macaroni and cheese than any other nation in the world.
  • Harvard might be hard to get into with a 4.5 percent admittance rate, but try this on for size: only 2.6 percent of Walmart applicants are accepted.
  • President Lyndon B. Johnson owned a water-surfing car.
  • Toilet paper in France is generally pink.
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