Bride Asks Sister Not to Attend Her Wedding for an Unbelievable Reason


Toni and David soon took the next step in their relationship. He proposed…and she said yes! Christine still hadn’t found her prince charming, but she did her best to support Toni, even if she secretly wished she was the one who was getting married.


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The More You Know

  • There are around 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. If you took them all out and laid them end to end, they’d stretch around the world more than twice.
  • The world's largest falafel weighed 223 pounds.
  • If you sneeze while driving at 60 mph, your eyes are closed for around 50 feet.
  • During the first 5 months of Pokémon Go, gaming-related accidents increased by 26.5%.
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