Bride Asks Sister Not to Attend Her Wedding for an Unbelievable Reason

No Sympathy

The comments began to flood in. One woman named Lynne said, “If it meant so much for your sister to be in the wedding you wouldn’t care if she was preggo or not. She sounds like an awful person and I wouldn’t be in her wedding if she paid me.” It only got worse…


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The More You Know

  • Clark Kent (Superman in DC Comics) is also a character in the Marvel universe, where he's actually just a mild-mannered reporter and nothing more.
  • You spend about 10% of the time you're awake blinking.
  • If you sneeze while driving at 60 mph, your eyes are closed for around 50 feet.
  • The 100 folds in a chef's hat represent 100 ways to cook an egg.
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