Bizarre Mysteries That Remain Unsolved to This Day

Only the second Beale Cipher has been cracked. Strangely, the key was the Declaration of Independence, signed by none other than Thomas Jefferson, with whom Beale happened to share a name. The cracked cipher stated that the treasure was buried somewhere in Bedford County, Virginia, where people still search for it today.

Phaistos Disc

The Phaistos Disc sounds like it's straight out of an Indiana Jones movie. Italian archaeologist Luigi Pernier discovered the clay-fired disc in 1908, which was inscribed with mysterious symbols which may be an unknown form of hieroglyphics. The artifact dates back to the second millennium B.C.


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The More You Know

  • There are snakes with two heads, which compete with each other for food.
  • The stars and flashes of light you see when you rub your eyes are called "phosphenes."
  • Wilt Chamberlain is in the Volleyball Hall of Fame.
  • If you heat up a magnet, it will lose its magnetism.
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