Big-Time Celebrities Who Don't Get Hired Anymore

The Crazed Rant

As if he couldn't make things worse, he eventually went on an intense antisemitic rant to the press. Naturally, he was swiftly blacklisted and was without work for 10 years. He's slowly reprising his career and taking on some roles, but he leaves a bitter taste in most peoples' mouths. 


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The More You Know

  • The beer used while filming of the Hobbit was custom made by New Zealand brewers. It was a 1% dark stout called "Sobering Thought".
  • The many parts turned down by Sean Connery include roles in The Matrix, The Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, Indy IV and Blade Runner.
  • The first toilet did not flush on the American big screen until 1960
  • "Psycho" was the first time a flushing toilet was shown on screen.
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