Big-Time Celebrities Who Don't Get Hired Anymore

Lena Horne

Lena Horne was a big part of the red scare back in the day. She, too, was accused of being connected to Communism and was blacklisted for her liberal views. She was able to make her own career outside of corporate Hollywood and was pretty successful! Sadly, her name was never cleared. 


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The More You Know

  • The Hulk made his debut in 1962.
  • In every scene of Fight Club, there is a Starbucks coffee cup.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger was paid approximately $21,429 for every one of the 700 words he said in, Terminator 2: Judgement Day.
  • Samuel L. Jackson has a clause in his film contracts that allows him to play golf during film shoots whenever he wants.
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