Best TV Shows And Characters Of All Time

Sheldon Cooper

Sheldon is very open about his humble roots coming out of East Texas. These origins, however, just kept getting humbler every time he touches on his childhood, especially when his mother reveals where exactly he was born, a K-Mart.


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The More You Know

  • Michael J. Fox's middle name doesn't start with a "J." His middle name is actually Andrew.
  • Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was also the voice of Shredder from the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon.
  • One of David Bowie's eyes was permanently dilated.
  • At 10 years old and while still in elementary school, Warren Buffett started having lunch meetings with a New York Stock Exchange member. He bought his first stock at age 11. Today, he’s worth $80 billion.
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